explainer video ideas
7 Best Explainer Video Ideas for EdTech Organisations

In the age of educational content being available at the fingertips on multiple platforms, learners have tons of options to choose from. Since E-learning has gained considerable momentum across the globe, the need for actionable videos has risen exponentially. From collaborative apps to immersive simulations, ed-tech innovations aim to enhance comprehension, accessibility, engagement, and learning outcomes. Amidst this proliferation of cutting-edge tools, explainer video ideas have emerged as a versatile ed-tech solution uniquely suited to modern learners.

It has become a necessity for educational institutions and training programs to devise a system of learning that breaks down complex information and delivers them in short digestible chunks. It is also important to ensure that the information is presented in an interesting way to maximize the engagement and interest of the audience. If the student is unable to find interest then there can be no learning.

What are Explainer videos?

Explainer videos are concise, engaging videos that aim to explain complex topics in a simplified manner. These videos leverage visuals, animations, and narration to make learning more accessible and enjoyable.

Reasons Why Explainer Videos are Necessary for the Ed-Tech Industry:

Explainer videos allow ed-tech products to flourish by leveraging visual learning and simplifying complex topics for modern generations. For ed-tech companies building innovative solutions, explainer video ideas have some advantages.

Visual Learning Dominance

Visual elements are responsible for 90% of information transmitted to our brains. Our brains are hard-wired to better understand concepts portrayed visually. Explainer video ideas tap into this by using animated characters, flowcharts, diagrams, overlays, and other graphics to break down complex ideas frame-by-frame. Viewers grasp concepts intuitively as colorful visual elements come together on-screen.

Complex Concepts Simplified

Many subjects like calculus, quantum computing, genomics, and machine learning involve advanced technical concepts. Explainer video ideas overcome this barrier by blending storytelling and motion graphics to provide an illuminating yet accessible lens. Difficult topics become relatable using character-driven narratives and real-world metaphors.

Engaging the Digital Generation

Today’s generation are digital natives who expect technology to enable bespoke learning pathways. By seamlessly incorporating memes, gaming elements, and inclusive references, explainer videos enthrall young viewers. The Videos keep students hooked while revealing a subject’s essence.

Adaptability Across Learning Styles

Some learners look forward to text, while others prefer images, diagrams, or learning by doing. Explainer videos bridge these variations using striking visuals and animations, conversational audio voiceovers, subtle background music, and textual captions.

explainer video ideas
Image credit: Covideo

Explainer Video Examples in the Education Industry

So, explainer videos have brought a phenomenal change to the way we learn new things and reshaped the present-day educational industry. Here, we have a few innovative explainer video ideas from some of this industry’s giants that have done a phenomenal job in getting through to their audience.

 1. Google

Google For Education can support teachers, students, researchers, and organizations with the help of their collaborative tools of G Suite for Education. It is an online platform that offers students a Chromebook to encourage collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

2. Adobe

The Adobe Education Exchange is a free learning platform and community designed for educators to encourage creativity in the classroom.  It utilizes an upbeat soundtrack and builds a simple visual style for the videos goes onto projects for the courses and resources offered through this platform. Thus, it helps the teachers to share their expertise and students to learn new skills.

3. Codio

Codio is the only cloud platform for teaching computer programming in schools, universities, and the vocational education sector worldwide. Their services also include grading and auto-grading, a learning management system (LMS), curriculum authoring, and template features.

4. Wand Education

The explainer video ideas for Wand Education do not waste any time in getting the audience hooked on how it is beneficial to teachers. It introduces the problem of how demand for ready-to-consume education is on the rise. Wand Education also helps cater to the needs of teachers by automating lectures and ultimately saving time.

5. Active ED 

A collaboration between the Broad Centre, the Strategic Data Project, and Education Pioneers. Active ED is yet another educational exchange program that seeks to provide future talents like managers, leaders, and analysts for the education industry. With the help of Activate ED, educational institutes will be able to identify top talent and provide them with tools, training, and support all from one platform.

6. IQarena

Iqarena is an all-encompassing program for competitive exam preparation that offers online tests in every subject area. A prepared voice-over and straightforward but attractive 3D animation are used to describe the problem and provide the audience with a solution.

 7. Oxbridge

Oxbridge Home Learning is an online platform that offers quality distance courses at flexible rates. With their distance learning courses, students have unlimited access to a tutor who can provide them with expertise and solutions to their problems. Videos are detailed, well-structured, and informative so that enrolled individuals can complete the course at their own pace in the comfort of their homes.

explainer video ideas
Image credit: Visme

So, you should also consider adding explainer videos to the curriculum of your edTech company.


1. What is a good explainer video?

A. The best script will give a quick overview of what your product or service does. You should also introduce a problem and then explain how your product or service solves it. Also, toward the end of your video, include a call-to-action telling viewers to call now, book an appointment, sign up, etc.

 2. Why are explainer videos important?

A. It breaks down complicated ideas. Explainer video ideas are great for breaking down complex topics into simpler ones, as they are easier to understand than text alone. People remember images better than words. They are the best way to communicate your message and convey the value of your product.

 3. How do you make an effective explainer video?

A. Explainer video ideas best practices should be: 

  • Keep it short – 90 seconds or less is ideal.
  • Your key message and value proposition should be in the first 30 seconds. …
  • Speak in 2nd person, using words like “You” and “Your.”
  • Use simple language.

Final closure

As the adoption of explainer video ideas in education continues rising, ed-tech innovators must leverage emerging technologies to further personalize and enhance the learning experience. Immersive formats powered by interactivity, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and responsive instructional design can transform passive content consumption into bespoke self-directed learning. So, these videos showcase compelling narratives and visuals that effectively simplify intricate technological ideas for students of all abilities and interests.

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