Mobile Learning: Technique Towards Success

The next phase of worker training is mobile learning. Access to bite-sized microlearning material via employees’ mobile devices increases engagement, enhances retention, and improves business outcomes.The era of large textbooks and sluggish learning management systems is over (LMS). Our lives are now centred on our smartphones, and education is no exception.

How many times have you picked up your phone when a thought or query came to mind? Mobile learning aims to capitalise on these already-present habits and produce continuing chances for learning and skill improvement. We already use our smartphones to learn when we need to.

What is  mobile learning

Accessing educational materials using mobile devices is known as mobile learning, or Learning. This approach encourages learning by allowing consumers to access content whenever and wherever suits them, at the moment of need.

The most crucial component of mobile learning is its emphasis on the learner’s mobility; by allowing them to select when and where they want to access learning, they may proceed at their own speed, which boosts engagement and information retention.

Mobile Learning: Technique Towards Success

The fundamentals of mobile learning

Mobile learning’s effectiveness for educating scattered workforces is largely due to a few important factors:

  • e-learning materials
  • Delivering microlearning content—2–5 minute bursts of pertinent knowledge intended to keep learners’ attention and improve knowledge retention—via mobile learning is a common practise. 
  • By using short-form video, animation, gamification, and other techniques to replicate the material we regularly consume through our social media feeds, microlearning content.

Societal education

Mobile learning frequently combines social learning with online behaviour replication to increase interest. This can contain a discussion board, newsfeed, or chat feature so that students can communicate with one another, share thoughts, and ask questions of one another.

Unhindered access

Even though not all Learning systems offer seamless access, it is quickly becoming a key component of mobile-based training solutions. By eliminating this friction, you can significantly boost engagement and make training even more accessible for mobile learners. You may do this by using seamless links to eliminate the login procedure or by simply integrating material into your native app.

Benefits of mobile learning

We are aware of what mobile learning is now. But does it suit your workforce’s training needs? To learn more, consider the advantages and downsides listed below.

1. Millennials adore mobile devices

Currently, 80% of people on the planet use cell phones. Mobile phone usage soars to 97% among millennials, who now make up more than half of the worldwide workforce. Millennials are devoted to their smartphones; they don’t merely use them. 90% of people never get far from their smartphone.

It makes sense that using the gadget that they use and rely on the most will allow you to reach the modern student the quickest.

2. It is more productive

According to research, mobile learning increases productivity by up to 43% and speeds up course completion by up to 45%. Short-form information that can be done on-the-go allows learning to be incorporated into current workflows, enabling your staff instead of interfering with them.

The creation and dissemination of mobile learning are also more effective. Managers can spend their valuable time more productively by updating and delivering courses to their scattered staff in just minutes.

3. It’s easier to access

Having 24/7 access to bite-sized mobile training courses via the device they already use is crucial, especially for deskless professionals. Making learning even more accessible for your scattered employees by integrating it into an existing worker app will eliminate the need for them to remember login information and guarantee that they always have access to the knowledge they require.

4. It is more interesting

It is easy and quick to learn when a lot of knowledge is broken down into manageable chunks, and adding interactive features like quizzes and leaderboards keeps students interested and motivated.

Students can take up their phones, finish a brief lesson on them in two to three minutes, and then return to what they were doing. As a result, learning may be integrated into their current workflow and users will quickly recognise its benefits, which will enhance employee motivation.

5. It’s reasonably priced

Businesses find it expensive to use in-person training methods: renting a facility, paying an instructor, printing out training materials, paying for travel and meals, and even accounting for lost productivity from time spent in the classroom all add up quickly. These costs are quickly eliminated by switching to mobile learning. Higher completion rates and a higher ROI are additional results of the increased engagement with mobile training.

6. Promotes continued usage

Learning makes sure that training is ingrained in your workforce culture, unlike in-person or desktop LMS training techniques that make it challenging for learners to repeat modules and remember information over time. The more readily employees can take up and finish classes, the more probable it is that they will continue to study and benefit from your training programme. Fostering a highly productive, engaged, and motivated workforce that is equipped to perform at their best requires encouraging continual learning.

7. Increases employee loyalty

The business world can also benefit from mobile learning. Since m-learning increases productivity and retention while also enhancing staff training, more than half of business leaders report enhanced growth after doing so. According to LinkedIn research, 94% of employees would stay with their firm longer if it supported their professional growth. By making training more available through a mobile learning platform, you may increase employee awareness of your L&D programme and increase the likelihood that they’ll use it and benefit from it.

Top advice on using mobile learning to your advantage

We are aware of the advantages of mobile learning for workforce development, but how can we make the most of it?

Here are the key recommendations we have for developing a successful and impactful mobile training plan.

1. Make getting started simple.

In 4-5 clicks, users will evaluate whether the mobile learning platform is worthwhile. With seamless learning, which provides learners with immediate access to learning content without the need to log in, we reduce friction at all points of the onboarding process and make it simple to restart learning once logged in.

2. Create your mobile learning with mobile in mind.

In order to fit a smartphone screen, mobile learning does more than merely scale down existing desktop e-learning. To design an effective and interesting Learning experience, consider how you and your students utilise mobile devices. You may make an interface that is simple to use and intuitive by emulating the activities that they are used to from their favourite apps.

3. Employ video material

We use YouTube tutorials more often than textbooks these days for a reason: our brains are 95% better at processing information when it is given in video format. If you want to replicate the bite-sized video material we’re used to consuming on social media, try introducing video into your mobile learning content with a personal welcome from the company’s CEO, a safety demonstration, or a “day in the life” type ride along.

4. Test out gamification.

Applying game mechanics like points, leaderboards, and chances to “level up” allows for a more pleasurable experience for end users and promotes repeat usage — it’s why we become addicted to game apps on our phones, and it’s what will increase completion rates for your training. Businesses who use gamification aspects into their training really report a 60% boost in engagement and a 50% increase in productivity.

5. Use a fun, conversational voice.

For most people, the words “corporate training” raise red flags. Use a light-hearted, conversational tone in your mobile learning programme to dispel this misconception because it is more engaging, makes training feel less like a “work,” and is better suited for the target audience.

6. Promote lifelong learning

The best thing about mobile learning is that it doesn’t have to end with onboarding and offers end users 24/7 access to training they can do at their convenience. Encourage continual learning by offering them fresh opportunities to improve their skills and performance. To achieve this, set up triggered and contextual notifications that direct users to the appropriate training course.

How to pick the best mobile learning application

Not sure where to begin when trying to integrate mobile learning into your workforce strategy? The premier mobile-based training platform, Graveiens , provides customers with convenient access to timely and interesting learning material at the exact moment they need it.

We already work with well-known companies to increase productivity and retention through mobile learning. Since using Graveiens’ seamless learning technology, our clients have witnessed a 300% increase in engagement with training materials, resulting in better outcomes for both their employees and their businesses.

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